[Stylist] More Stones, second try

Jackie jackieleepoet at cox.net
Sat Dec 8 20:40:24 UTC 2018

Adorn Me This Day -

with diamonds and ivory,
emeralds and stones,
turquoise and silver,
and rattlesnake bones.

Petrified jasper,
and ruby-red sass
peridot, jade,
copper and brass.

Tiger's eye, garnet,
and rare amethysts,
tanzanite, pearls
enhance women's wrists.

Amber and coral, 
a shell-abalone-
the rare and the precious
the fake and the phony,

measured and tumbled,
fitted and ground,
facetted, polished,
or just as is found.

The best way to share it
is simply to wear it.

Jacqueline Williams

Clarity is just questioning having eaten its fill.
     Jenny Xie

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