[Stylist] Questions about Creative Writing Terms

Sharon Hooley shooley42 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 17:21:57 UTC 2018

Hi again,

I have some questions about the different kinds and  the processes of writing.  Does anyone know of a good web site where I can learn about these things and perhaps a glossary of  terms, or is there anyone who wouldn’t mind explaining  them to me?  I’ll list the things I think of:

What is the difference between autobiographies and memoirs?

what is publishing, exactly, and how can I publish my own work instead of having someone else do it?

How do I copyright my own work?  Is it just a matter of writing the words, “Copyright 2018,” for example, or is there something more I must do to make it legally binding?

are there any characteristics of a novel besides dialog, actions, thoughts and feelings of the characters involved?

I would greatly appreciate any help I can get.


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