[Stylist] Vejas - jury duty

Chris Kuell ckuell at comcast.net
Wed Jan 9 21:04:08 UTC 2019

Hey Vejas,


I just read your article in the Braille Monitor and wanted to congratulate
you on a great job. Your description of your experience was clear and
concise and well written.


On a side note, I'm one of those rare individuals who actually wants to be
on a jury. I got called in the fall and was so excited. I knew I could get
to the courthouse by bus, and I had my son bring me inside one day so I
could investigate it and learn where the rooms of interest were, where the
bathrooms are, and I even met a blind vendor who was selling coffee and
sandwiches, so I was psyched to get called. 

I called the night before and was told to report. I did, but right away they
told us they didn't need us and dismissed us.  


Maybe next time.




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