[Stylist] About Passion

llambert at zoominternet.net llambert at zoominternet.net
Sun Sep 15 13:38:56 UTC 2019

Dear Colleagues,

I wish you a lovely pre-autumnal day wherever you are.

Here in The Village of Wurtemburg, it is sunny and I can hear all the
creatures of nature outside my window.  I stopped to listen as one lone wild
goose was flying over  and  sending out the sounds of exuberance as she
flies through the sky.  Insects seem to be particularly active recently.  I
discovered a nest of ground bees just beyond my porch when I stepped into
their nest and got stung yesterday!   My husband had a look over there and
tells me there are many bees swarming - and I imagine they must be preparing
to enter the ground for their winter's retreat.  Meanwhile, my right knee
and leg are painful reminders that they have moved into my flower garden


I read a wonderful article this morning that I want to share with you.  It
is written by my colleague, Suzanne Cottrell, who is a writer and
soon-to-be-published author.  Her first chapbook is scheduled to be
published in 2020 by a wonderful press - and I am so happy for this
accomplishment in her life.  But, for today, I wanted to share her article
on finding our passion in life.  I think it is a remarkable essay and I
think you will really enjoy it.


Here is the link:

I am right now, casting my glance around my writing office where I work for
many hours a day.  I am looking to see what is here, all around me, as
Suzanne suggested that we do.  She is right, of course.  Our passions are
laying there for us to see when we stop to notice them.

What are YOUR passions?

We live in the overflow of what we focus on and what we think about.



With my best regards,



Lynda Lambert



Now taking Pre-Orders for my chapbook, first snow:  Read it


Lynda's Authors Page- Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/author/lyndalambert 


Lynda's Official Authors Page: http://www.dldbooks.com/lyndalambert/


Smashwords - get my e-book:


My Blogs:

 <http://www.lyndalambert.com/> Website & Blog:  Lynda McKinney Lambert  -
Official Author's Website

 <http://www.llambert363.blog/> Scan-A-Blog - A quiet Place of Inspiration,
Art, Nature, Literature


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