[Stylist] Welcome, Planting, Growing

llambert at zoominternet.net llambert at zoominternet.net
Sun Nov 8 19:12:56 UTC 2020

Welcome to Jocelyn and hello to fellow writers.

I am sure enjoying this weekend - planted a lot of spring bulbs  yesterday.

I will have more lily,  hyacinth and iris coming up in my garden in the


Here is the good news I received today from AllAuthor. I'm a happy lady and
thankful for the support of my friends.

The letter says it all.  

Now, I am gearing up for the next round that begins today - 275 covers were
eliminated yesterday.  I am so thankful to still be in this round of the Top
100 covers.   

It is so special for the cover is one of my photographs of Yellow Crown
Beard, which grows in my wood in late summer.  The design was developed by
David Dvorkin of DLD Books - and he did a beautiful  job of creating a cover
that perfectly matches the content of my book.

Below is the letter and the link so you can vote for my cover if you would
like to do that. Lynda 


Dear Lynda McKinney Lambert,

Congratulations! Your book has successfully entered the second round of the
Cover of the Month contest. Your book has amassed 42 votes so far and your
book cover is among the top 100 book covers of the month. (The third round
will narrow it down to the top 50 covers).
The online voting for the second round is now open. Your friends and fans
can vote again in this round.

Visit your campaign page by clicking on the link below: 


*	So I invite you to visit my campaign page and give my book cover  a
*	Lynda



Lynda McKinney Lambert - Author/Artist



*	I am the keeper of memories. I distil and share them  through  art
and writing.
*	I reveal what is forgotten, lost, or unseen.
*	I write  spare poems and thoughtful personal essays.
*	I create art with  brilliant colors &  precious materials, one
stitch at a time.



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