[Stylist] FW: NBP News: Team Richissin Starts Off Strong!

Bill Meeker and Cheryl Orgas meekerorgas at ameritech.net
Wed Mar 10 15:01:42 UTC 2021






Read about one of our Braille Across America challengers, our upcoming poetry night, and more!


 A cup of tea and two open poetry books <https://email.nbp.org/hs-fs/hubfs/poetry-quotes-1680x1120.jpg?width=1120&upscale=true&name=poetry-quotes-1680x1120.jpg> 

Poems of Hope: Poetry Circle

It’s been a tough year! In honor of National Poetry Month, the National Braille Press is offering a poetry circle by Zoom with the theme of “Poems of Hope” on April 22, 2021 at 7pm EST.


Come, read a poem you wrote, or a favorite poem that gives you hope. Or come and listen; all are welcome. Let us know if you want to share a poem and we’ll be in touch. All who register will be given a Braille copy of “The Hill We Climb” by Amanda Gorman and some resources for more wonderful poetry.



 <https://email.nbp.org/e2t/tc/VVrQyL840JSsW7GnF-H8nmtWpW58c1_74nwNv7N6klYWJ3p_97V1-WJV7CgZ8JW3JVVlR2yWBJqW2Hl2tX5F8PHfVqMBSM4DNHWkW75wDm66rVjkbV4XVYX3DWlsRW4py5lg4Jz1TnW79q_Ts4gWCq_W1dDKfB8JwFFCW4NVVnb5QJkN0W7Pzlj14FfH_dW10R1LC8VHh0KW7kJV-w2mX8QRW4BKrk66xTHk8W3gFw6n4FxK-KV2RSgB4bB8cxW7HbVvn51VyYsW1HhRJp2-dtl6W6S_hLt40KG9CW5Bv5Gh4gPZycW87W87X2F38mYVlHQNG4ZWF0fW2p2rpy5y6v-nW62P3dX3FlMH7W66mpdJ1GSngP3jHP1> Register Here! 








Cheryl Orgas

Executive Director

Audio & Braille Literacy Enhancement

Central Library Building

803 West Wells Street

Milwaukee, WI  53233-1436

Phone: 414-286-3026

Fax: 414-286-5450

corgas at ablenow.org


“Providing alternative ways for people with print disabilities to read.”






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