[Stylist] poem for you

Ann Chiappetta anniecms64 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 19:09:03 UTC 2023

The way of the cat 

By Ann Chiappetta 


Seven  pounds of sweetness 

deep mahogany almost black

At play a ferity frolic 

At bedtime Demands  a lap

If she knows I am blind - no matter

I am the best cushioned host

My heart pitter-patters

It is of her  sweetness I boast.

I settle and smooth the blanket

She prefers it wrinkle-free

A queen-sized banquet

For cuddling with me.

Noontime naps encouraged 

She waits  patiently 

Little cat perched

On the  end of the bed near 

the end of the day.




Ann Chiappetta M.S.

 <http://www.annchiappetta.com/> http://www.annchiappetta.com

Making Meaningful Connections Through Media

 <mailto:Ann.m.chiappetta at gmail.com> Ann.m.chiappetta at gmail.com

Blog:  <http://www.thought-wheel.com/> www.thought-wheel.com


"Trust dreams. Trust your heart, and trust your story."

- Neil Gaiman


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