[Tall-Corn] Courtesy Copy: Job Posting - Independent Living Teacher

Janice Eggers Janice.Eggers at blind.state.ia.us
Mon Jun 17 18:06:16 UTC 2019

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[Iowa Department for the Blind logo]
Independent Living Teacher

Salary: $44,449.60 - $67,516.80 Annually
Location:  Des Moines - 50309 - Polk County, IA
Job Type:  Full-time
Agency:  131 Iowa Department for the Blind
Job Number: 19-02935<https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/iowa/jobs/2479964/independent-living-teacher?department%5B0%5D=131+Iowa+Department+for+the+Blind&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>
Closing:  06/27/2019 11:59 PM Central
LinkedIn Tag:  #LI-POST
Point of Contact:  Kimberley Barber at kim.barber at blind.state.ia.us<mailto:kim.barber at blind.state.ia.us>

Job Description:

This is a non-merit position with the Iowa Department for the Blind.

The Iowa Department for the Blind is looking to fill an Independent Living Teacher (Services Specialist for the Blind 2) to assist the state.


  *   Reviews all assigned electronic IL application provided by Intake Specialist (IS).
  *   Schedules IL application interview with applicants and where applicable with legal guardian within policy timeframe.
  *   At the time of the application interview; update IL application data and information as needed.
  *   If assigned, may be asked to complete the entire IL application when applicant is unable to start the application process by phone.
  *   Ensure eye reports and other necessary medical records are available that might assist to move forward with completing the IL application and eligibility.
  *   Determines eligibility within program policy timeframe.
  *   Document each service visit in electronic case management system (CMS); and add all required documents to paper files.
  *   Inform applicants of their eligibility determination status, present right to appeal information, Iowa Client Assistance Program and other available resources.
  *   Make referrals to other service agencies as appropriate or needed.
  *   Must be able to follow and implement Federal, State administrative rules, and program policy and procedures to ensure program remains in compliance.
  *   Travel across Iowa in all weather conditions to meet with applicants and/or clients in homes or other locations to share information about agency, philosophy, programs, and services offered.
  *   Meetings may be scheduled after normal business hours and overnight stays are required.


  *   Work jointly with IL clients to assess and documents independent living non-visual skills training needs.
  *   Where applicable, follow VR process to provide VR rehabilitation skills assessment and rehab skills teaching in the field as assigned.
  *   Discuss skills assessment findings with IL clients and where applicable respective VR counselor and VR client then prioritize and recommend non-visual skills training service needs, and while also determining client interests and commitment to pursue available opportunities.
  *   Discuss and documents training plan options including formal Independent Living Rehabilitation Plans and IL Waiver Plans.
  *   Develop and documents IL rehabilitation plan with IL clients using a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.) Goal approach.
  *   Work with IL clients to establish a timeframe for a plan completion and a plan review.
  *   Prepare timely case documentation for electronic and paper file systems in accordance with agency policies and procedures.
  *   Submit new and any amended IL rehabilitation plan(s) to supervisor for review and approval before implementation.
  *   Partner with IL client(s) to plan to determine who is responsible for any potential related training costs should there be any. Within program policy, in a timely fashion accurately and timely recommend and document all expenditures as well as authorizes related to program training expenditures within the case management system for a supervisor review and decision.

Deliver direct core IL rehabilitation non-visual skills training services as identified through a completed IL skills assessment and approved IL plan. The IL program is results-driven so the IL client should experience positive gains in the area of confidence and independent living skills.  Services provided may include:

  *   Adjustment to blindness counseling services.
  *   Direct non-visual skills training services such as Braille instruction, orientation and mobility/travel with long white cane, using assistive technology, home and personal management, communications, daily living, and integration.
  *   Individual and/or group advocacy training; or direct advocacy service for IL clients who are unable to effectively self-communicate or self-advocate.
  *   Information and referral provided on behalf of those serve and have given permission.

Examples of information and referrals might include but are not limited to:

  1.  The Iowa Department for the Blind Library service;
  2.  The Iowa Department for the Blind's Vocational Rehabilitation Program Services;
  3.  The Iowa Reading Radio Information Service (IRIS);
  4.  The National Federation of the Blind of Iowa (NFBI) Newsline;
  5.  Hadley School for the Blind;
  6.  Iowa Blind Consumer Groups;
  7.  Local Blind and/or Low Vision Support Groups in Iowa;
  8.  Veteran's Support Groups;
  9.  Area Agencies on Aging (AAA);
  10. United Way (211 Helpline); or
  11. Other useful resources or sources that will help facilitate independent living.

Case management including case noting information and contacts from application through the conclusion of IL process. Examples: application, health assessment, eligibility determination, contacts, all contacts including appointments, plans, amendments, authorizations, closure, etc.

Models used to deliver services may include and can be used in any combination:

  *   Regional Cluster Model;
  *   Community-Based Training;
  *    Senior Integration; or
  *   Senior Orientation when Senior Integration is not available.


  *   Represent IL program at Congressperson sponsored senior fairs, Veteran's fairs, Iowa County senior health fairs, community group meetings, consumer groups, support groups, agency sponsored events, speaking or in-service engagements, and/or other assigned public events.
  *   Assists senior housing, local senior centers, and other agencies serving more mature individuals who are blind to better understand blindness and increase awareness of agency services.
  *   Participate in various agency project teams including New Staff Training, Open House, Volunteer Workshop or other similar projects.


  *   Develop and document weekly itineraries; prioritizing applicant and client work.
  *   Reporting all data and information accurately and timely within the electronic case management system as well as paper documents.
  *   Compiling reports as requested by administration.
  *   Completing monthly bi-weekly time sheets and work reports accurately and timely.
  *   Submitting travel vouchers timely and accurately.
  *   If assigned a State motor pool vehicle shall complete all required reports and turn them in timely and accurately as well as maintain the maintenance of the vehicle.


  *   Coordinate work with division team and cross-division teams.
  *   Receive and/or complete program or other program/agency applications.
  *   Obtain, analyze, and interpret eye and other medical reports.
  *   Determine applicant eligibility for programs based on governing regulations, rules, and policies.
  *   Provide adjustment to blindness counseling and non-visual skills training instruction.
  *   Demonstrate assistive technology and/or independent living aids, devices, equipment, and/or supplies.
  *   Completes case management duties as well as case load duties accurately and on time in accordance with policy including closing all program cases timely and accurately.
  *   Conducts speaking engagements or in-services to large or small groups, radio engagements, or other venues to promote the agency.
  *   Communicate with individuals and groups, verbally and in writing, and using the English language.
  *   Move and transport items (e.g., assistive technology equipment) up to 20 pounds between office/domicile, vehicles, and site visits.
  *   Travels across Iowa in all types of weather; some meetings are scheduled after hours and require overnight stays.


  *   Work experience in the area of adjustment to blindness counseling, teaching non-visual skills techniques using structured discovery model.
  *   Work experience working with individuals 55 and older.

It is the policy of the Department for the Blind to conduct background checks on all finalist candidates prior to any offer of employment. For further information, contact Kimberley Barber, email: kim.barber at blind.state.ia.us<mailto:kim.barber at blind.state.ia.us>

Minimum Qualification Requirements

Graduation from an accredited college or university and experience equal to one year of full-time professional or paraprofessional work in human service fields such as: social services; nursing; personnel; vocational rehabilitation; education; psychology; or intangible sales, interviewing, recruiting, and promotion; recreation, public information, volunteer service for public or private organizations, fund raising, or ministry in a recognized faith or denomination;

graduation from an accredited college university with a major emphasis in library science or liberal arts and at least one year of library work experience;

an equivalent combination of education and experience substituting the equivalent of one year of full-time work experience (as listed above) for each year of the required education to a maximum substitution of four years

For additional information, please click on this link to view the job description<https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/iowa/jobs/2479964/independent-living-teacher?department%5B0%5D=131+Iowa+Department+for+the+Blind&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>.<https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/iowa/jobs/2477195/independent-living-teacher?department%5B0%5D=131+Iowa+Department+for+the+Blind&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery> (Download PDF reader)<https://get.adobe.com/reader/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>

Iowa Department for the Blind
524 4th Street
Des Moines, Iowa, 50309
Website https://blind.iowa.gov/ <https://blind.iowa.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>
[A proud partner of the american job center network]

Phone: 515-281-1333
E-mail: information at blind.state.ia.us<mailto:information at blind.state.ia.us>

Iowa Department for the Blind
524 Fourth Street
Des Moines, IA 50309-2364

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