[Tall-Corn] Old Capitol holiday meeting

Scott Van Gorp svangorp at nfbi.org
Tue Dec 8 02:56:55 UTC 2020

Good Evening Federation Family               ;

I'm sending out the link for the Old Capitol holiday meeting on Saturday
December 12 at 11AM. Below is a brief synopsis from the president, Darrel


Hello Old Cap Chaps and guests, 


I hope this message finds you all very well and ready to celebrate the
holidays with your federation family. We are getting together by Zoom this
upcoming Saturday, December 12, at 11:00 a.m. We expect the gathering to
last a few hours, with the first hour designated to listening to part of the
December presidential release. Do to playing games and singing, we ask that
you please consider eating your holiday meal during the 11:00 hour - it
might be a late breakfast, mid-morning snack, or go all out and make a grand
holiday lunch for yourself. 

Here is a rough agenda of the day:


11:00 am -  Listening to the 500th NFB Presidential Release  - Just to note
that we will only be listening to one hour of the presidential release plus
interviews with special guest because it is about 1.5 hours in total. We
will play a portion of the special interview while we eat our food.


12:00 - Introductions: Name and Ice-breaker: Either what have you decided to
eat today for the virtual holiday meal or what is your favorite Winter
holiday meal or food item? We will also be assigning all attendees wanting
to play Family Feud a designated playing card for each of you to remember.
That is,  a card may be drawn for you and you could be the Queen of Hearts
or the 9 of Clubs or any other card from the deck. 



Family Feud Rules:


I am your host, Darrel Kirby, and we will be breaking up into two teams -
the red team and the green team. Each team will consist of two groups Red
Group A and Red Group B, as well as Green group A and Green group B. Each
group will have a group leader. For Old Cap Chap Family Feud, your trusted
elected board members will serve as group leaders. Innie Duncan, our Vice
President, will lead Red group A. Jonathan Ice, our secretary, will lead Red
group B. Terry Poldberg, our treasurer, will lead Green group A. Donna
Prime, our board member, will lead Green group B. The rest of the attendees
will be randomly assigned to the groups through the drawing of a playing
card during our introduction. From here, we will have a competitive and fun
feud between the Old Cap Chap Reds and the Old Cap Chap Greens. Further
instructions will come on the day of the event. If you are wondering about
breaking into groups, it will better insure that all members get a chance to
"square off" against another player. 


Post Family Feud, we will attempt to sing Carols and other fun holiday
music. I am asking chapter members to come prepared to sing a song on their
own. Please consider playing the song in the background. We will also have
some group sing-along options.


Please let me know if you have questions.


Thanks Darrel! Now, here's the link!


Topic: Old Capitol holiday meeting

Time: Dec 12, 2020 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 794 109 9792

Passcode: 6324692

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        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 794 109 9792

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adhT0TRNXb


Join by Skype for Business




Scott Van Gorp, President
National Federation of the Blind of Iowa
Phone: 515-720-5282
 <mailto:svangorp at nfbi.org> Email

 <http://www.nfbi.org/> Website 
082570/posts> Facebook 
 <https://twitter.com/nfb_iowa> Twitter 
Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind of Iowa is a community of members and
friends who believe infrom the president, Darrel Kirby.


the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day we work together to
help blind people live the lives they want.


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