[Tall-Corn] FW: IDB Announces the 2023 Elizabeth Perowsky Volunteer Award Recipient

Scott Van Gorp svangorp at nfbi.org
Sat Nov 19 00:44:41 UTC 2022

In case you hadn't seen this! See below for an extraordinary honor for such
a deserving individual! I know I speak for many when I express my thanks to
Sandi for a job well done!


Scott Van Gorp, President
National Federation of the Blind of Iowa
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Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind of Iowa is a community of members and
friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day
we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.


From: Iowa Department for the Blind <IADB at public.govdelivery.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2022 3:46 PM
Subject: IDB Announces the 2023 Elizabeth Perowsky Volunteer Award Recipient



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IDB Announces the 2023 Elizabeth Perowsky Volunteer Award Recipient

Our Elizabeth Perowsky Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award is given in
honor of Elizabeth Perowsky of Des Moines, Iowa, who was a volunteer Braille
transcriber for more than 60 years. She taught herself to Braille and was
certified in literary, Nemeth, and music Braille by the Library of Congress.
Elizabeth was the group leader and main teacher for the Temple Sisterhood
Braille Group. She also conducted Braille workshops throughout the country,
teaching others how to Braille.  Near the end of her life, Elizabeth's hands
were so impacted by arthritis that she would tell her assistant which keys
to press on the computer keyboard to form the Braille letters. This allowed
her to continue Brailling when she could no longer type. Elizabeth was still
Brailling within a few weeks of her death at the age of 97 in May 1996.

The text on the Elizabeth Perowsky Memorial Volunteer Award states: "For
extraordinary spirit and inexhaustible dedication in volunteer service to
those who are blind" is one of the best ways to describe this year's

It is our honor to present the Elizabeth Perowsky Memorial Award to Sandi
Ryan.  Sandi has shown inexhaustible dedication in volunteer service to
those who are blind in so many ways.  Her true dedication has shown through
in her many volunteer roles.  These have included advocacy, mentoring,
braille proofreading and public service as a four-term member and Chair of
the Iowa Commission for the Blind.  "We are thankful for Sandi's constant
support of the library.  Her passion for braille and braille literacy
especially for our youngest patrons is infectious.  Sandi exemplifies
exactly what this award stands for," said Library Director, Sarah Willeford.

Her work as Chair of the Iowa Commission for the Blind has helped the Iowa
department for the Blind to continue to innovate and expand services to
blind Iowans of all ages. Sandi's amazing attitude, words of wisdom and
sense of humor have impacted so many. IDB Director, Emily Wharton, stated:
"Whenever I needed anything, someone to look over a draft policy, someone to
talk through a challenging decision, someone to make me laugh instead of cry
at one of the many absurdities that arise when trying to make change within
the state bureaucracy, Sandi was there with ideas, honest feedback,
understanding, and a swift kick when I needed it. She has been an invaluable
mentor and so much of the success we have achieved is at least in part due
to her work on behalf of blind Iowans."

"Sandi completed all of the lessons in the Instruction Manual for Braille
Transcribing from the National Library Service, which is quite an
accomplishment!  Sandi proofread and made corrections on collection books
done on a Perkins by one of our volunteer braillists. We could always count
on Sandi to take on proofreading projects and help with scorekeeping for the
Braille Challenge. Sandi's work was always accurate & detailed," shared
Karen Cunningham, IMC Librarian, and Roxanne Book, Braille Coordinator.  

Youth Librarian, Denise Bean expressed, "Sandi's warmth and love for others
is simply undeniable. Sandi lives her life with a clear vision and intention
to make this world a better place, if only more in the world could be like
her, if so, our world would be a better place. She would share countless
stories of her family that would bring laughter and even a tear to a room.
Thank you, Sandi, for being a rock to so many around you. You have taught
all of us to stay strong, stay determined, and most importantly, stay
passionate in what you believe in." 

Normally this award would be awarded during the library's annual Elizabeth
Perowsky Workshop and Luncheon in April.   However, after a year-long battle
with liver cancer, Sandi has entered hospice care.  We determined it would
be wise to present her with the award early. However, we also look forward
to celebrating again in April at the Elizabeth Perowsky Workshop and

Please help us in congratulating Sandi Ryan for her many years of impactful
volunteer service to the Iowa Department for the Blind. She has made a
difference in the life of countless blind Iowans. Her work will go on and
her work will be picked up and carried forward by other passionate and
hard-working volunteers and advocates.


Iowa Department for the Blind
524 Fourth Street
Des Moines, IA 50309-2364

Phone: 515-281-1333
E-mail:  <mailto:information at blind.state.ia.us>
information at blind.state.ia.us



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This email was sent to svangorp at nfbi.org <mailto:svangorp at nfbi.org>  using
GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: State of Iowa . 1007 E Grand
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