[Tall-Corn] Washington Seminar legislative priorities and more!

Scott Van Gorp svangorp at nfbi.org
Fri Dec 8 03:49:22 UTC 2023

Good Evening Federation Family:

Please see important information below regarding our three Washington
Seminar legislative issues and logistics. The issues will look very familiar
to most of us!


2024 Washington Seminar Legislative Priorities:

We have chosen our three legislative priorities for the 2024 Washington
Seminar. In late January we will visit Capitol Hill to educate members of
Congress and advocate for legislation that will promote website
accessibility, increase home medical self-sufficiency, and increase work
incentives related to SSDI for blind Americans. The three legislative
priorities for the 2024 Washington Seminar are:

*	Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act (H.R. 5813/S.
*	Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R. 1328)
*	Blind Americans Return to Work Act



Book Your Washington Seminar Hotel Room as Soon as Possible:

Rooms at the Holiday Inn Washington Capitol - National Mall are going quick!
Be sure to book yours as soon as you can. Hotel reservation information can
be found on our
<https://nfb.org/programs-services/advocacy/washington-seminar> Washington
Seminar page. Also, don't forget to keep checking
<https://nfb.org/Washington-seminar> nfb.org/Washington-seminar for updates.
Updates in the near future will be fact sheets for our three legislative
priorities, the full event agenda, and mock meeting videos.


2024 Congressional Reception:

One of our more recent Washington Seminar traditions will be back again for
2024. On Tuesday, January 30, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Cannon Caucus
Room (located in the Cannon House Office Building), we will be conducting
our annual Congressional Reception. There will be light refreshments and a
chance to hear members of Congress address a large group of our members. We
hope to see you there!



More information to come! Please feel free to reach out with any questions!



Scott Van Gorp, President
National Federation of the Blind of Iowa
Phone: 515-720-5282
 <mailto:svangorp at nfbi.org> Email

 <http://www.nfbi.org/> Website 
082570/posts> Facebook 
 <https://twitter.com/nfb_iowa> Twitter 
Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind of Iowa is a community of members and
friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day
we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.


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