[Tall-Corn] Legislative Monthly Get Together

bray at nfbi.org bray at nfbi.org
Mon Apr 22 22:46:27 UTC 2024

Greetings Fellow Federationists,


Last month when we met on the 25th we discussed the fact that the
Legislature had pretty much done all they were going to do for this year on
anything that wasn't budget or appointments. Since then they have finished
those tasks up with no fanfare and are happily back away from the
Statehouse. As far as we know the only Director Appointment that went
without opposition in the Senate was the appointment of Emily to continue as
Director of the Department For The Blind. 


Please keep watching here on the Tall-Corn list to see new developments for
next year. In the meantime, please, get to know your Legislators,
Representative and Senator, and talk with them about who the NFBI is and
about our need for accessible Prescription Labelling, more accessible
voting, and the need to update the Braille bill, for teaching of Braille and
technology to blind students. 


We will be sending out updates from time to time to keep you up-to-date on
what is happening.


National Federation of the Blind of Iowa Legislative Committee



Bob Ray, Legislative Chair, NFB of IOWA


3900 76th Street

Urbandale, IA 50322

Email:  <mailto:bray at nfbi.org> bray at nfbi.org

Phone. 515 334-7231


Mary L. McGee

Address: 201 Locust, #341, 

Des Moines, IA, 50309

Phone: 515 280-1281

EMAIL:  <mailto:mmcatitude at gmail.com> mmcatitude at gmail.com


Helen Mejia

Address: 1342 York Street

Des Moines, IA 50316 

Phone: 570 983-7867

EMAIL:  <mailto:hstevensnfb at gmail.com> hmejianfb at gmail.com




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