[Tall-Corn] Join Us for the August At Large chapter meeting

cvangorp at nfbi.org cvangorp at nfbi.org
Wed Aug 14 18:40:52 UTC 2024

Hello Federation Family! 

Make plans to join us tomorrow night for our monthly At Large Chapter

The agenda is as follows: 

August 15, 2024 At Large Chapter Meeting Agenda

Icebreaker: What is your favorite fair food? 

Secretary's Report 

Treasurer's Report 

State of the State 

Philosophy Discussion: Do you think that the new blind Barbie that has
recently came out will perpetuate or shatter misconceptions about blindness?

President's Remarks 


The zoom info is as follows: 

Topic: August At Large chapter meeting

Time: Aug 15, 2024 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting

mn=97343102151> &omn=97343102151


Meeting ID: 794 109 9792

Passcode: 6324692




One tap mobile

+13017158592,,7941099792# US (Washington DC)




Dial by your location

. +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


Meeting ID: 794 109 9792


Find your local number: https://nfb-org.zoom.us/u/aO7JVmgqY


See y'all tomorrow night! 

Have a blessed day! 

Chelsea Van Gorp, President of the At Large Chapter, NFB Newsline
Coordinator, Braille Camp Co-Coordinator
National Federation of the Blind of Iowa
Phone: 601-618-5170
 <mailto:cvangorp at nfbi.org> cvangorp at nfbi.org 

 <http://www.nfbi.org/> Website 
082570/posts> Facebook 
 <https://twitter.com/nfb_iowa> Twitter 
Live the life you want.

The National Federation of the Blind of Iowa is a community of members and
friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation's blind. Every day
we work together to help blind people live the lives they want


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