[Tall-Corn] Breakout Sessions At State Convention

Helen Stevens hstevensnfb at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 19:39:45 UTC 2024

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone is making plans to attend our NFBI convention in just 44 days.

For those of you who have not registered yet, when you go to register, you will notice that the form asks you to choose what breakout sessions you would most like to attend. Since holding the breakout sessions Saturday afternoon is new, we want to get your input before setting the final schedule so that we can arrange things for as many people as possible to attend their top two choices. For example, if we have fifteen people who want to attend both the At Large meeting and the history session, we will make sure to schedule those two sessions at different times. We will also be assigning room locations for the sessions based on how many people want to attend. 

Here is additional information on the breakout sessions:
Saturday afternoon we will be holding two sets of breakout sessions, one from 2:00-3:15 and the second from 3:30-4:45. we want to plan the timing of which sessions we offer when so that as many people as possible can attend both their first and second choices.  

Annual meeting of the At large chapter of the national Federation of the Blind of Iowa 
Informal meeting of blind parents to share parenting strategies and techniques
Informal meeting of blind students with discussions related to challenges faced by students, as well as strategies for advocating and making sure you get everything you need to be successful
National Federation of the Blind of Iowa fundraising strategy session
Iowa blindness history gathering session
Parents of blind children session to discuss resources and strategies

This is one more reason why submitting your registration form as soon as possible will really help the planning committee, and we thank everyone who has submitted your registration already.

As a reminder, if you would like help applying for a Gifts and Bequests grant, finding a roommate, or finding others to travel with to convention, please reach out and we will be happy to help.

Helen Mejia
NFBI Convention Planning Committee

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