[Tn-talk] Fwd: Senior Seminar in Chattanooga

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Mar 1 22:20:22 UTC 2011

>From: "Dwight Johnson" <dwightej7 at comcast.net>
>To: <David.Andrews at NFBnet.org>
>Subject: Senior Seminar in Chattanooga
>Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 15:53:16 -0600
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;    boundary="----

>     Could you place the following on tn talk please?
>Dwight Johnson
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>Chattanooga Seniors Gain
>Insight from Blind
>Senior Insight is a one day seminar designed to help persons over 
>the age of 55 gain insight into leading a fulfilling life after 
>vision loss.  The seminar is hosted by the National Federation of 
>the Blind of Tennessee at the Hilton Garden Hotel inn Chattanooga 
>Tennessee on Friday, March 11, 2011.  Senior Insight will offer the 
>opportunity to learn and ask questions about common causes of vision 
>loss, talking products (clocks, glucose meters, and more), Social 
>Security, Medicare, indoor safety, health, and exercise.
>Kim Williams, President of the National Federation of the Blind of 
>Tennessee, said:  "As baby boomers age and encounter a number of 
>serious eye conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and 
>the effects of diabetes, the National Federation of the Blind of 
>Tennessee is reaching out to share our experience and knowledge 
>about low vision and blindness. Many seniors believe that the loss 
>of sight means loss of independence and quality of life. This does 
>not have to be the case so we are holding this exciting seminar to 
>teach and inspire."
>The seminar will begin at 9:00a.m. and will end at 
>4:00p.m.  Registration will begin at 7:30a.m.  Cost will be $15 
>dollars for one person or $25.00 for a couple which will include 
>materials for conference and lunch.  For more information or to 
>register please contact Lucy Alexander at 615-971-0999.
>About the National Federation of the Blind of Tennessee
>The National Federation of the Blind of Tennessee is a non-profit 
>organization of the blind working together to improve the quality of 
>life for all blind people in Tennessee.  Organized in May of 1969, 
>blind men and women gathered together to improve the lives of blind 
>Tennesseans through advocacy, education, research, technology, and 
>programs encouraging independence and self-confidence.  The NFB of 
>Tennessee is an energetic organization dedicated to service and its 
>continuing programs are always designed to improve the economic and 
>social lives of blind Tennesseans.

         David Andrews and long white cane Harry, dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920

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