[Trainer-talk] What have I done to my Outlook?

Jim jp100 at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 29 16:34:24 UTC 2008

Hi there,


I'm afraid I've done something to my outlook program.

I was looking at one of the "view" settings so as to categorize messages

However, something doesn't work anymore.

I know that I can check the status of things with the Insert Page Down key,
and it will tell me things like how many emails I am downloading and other
related things.

Now, it doesn't do that.  It gives me no status on anything.  When I hit the
Insert Page Down key, it just reads (doesn't take me to) what I'd hear if I
hit the page down key on its own.

Does that make sense?


So, is there something I can do to correct this problem?


Jim Portillo

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