[Trainer-talk] Ubuntu issues

Josh jkenn337 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 18:14:45 UTC 2009


I'm trying to run Ubuntu 9.10 in a virtuual machine. It boots fine but I don't know when to hit enter f5 3 enter enter to enable accessibility. I'm booting from the iso then I want to install it in the virtual machine. Ok so I hear the Gnome startup sound I then hit alt f2, type orca, hit enter. I did get orca to talk and I set it up.. Then it says to enable accessibility I have to log out and log back in. I hit y and enter to log out. I wait for the three quick drum beats, type ubntu as the username hit enter let password blank so I just hit enter twice. nothing happens. not sure what I'm doing wrong. Would really like to be able to play with Ubuntu in a virtual machine. 


My email address is: jkenn337 at gmail.com . www.satogo.com Get klango at www.klango.net it's free! Get NVDA www.nvda-project.org it's free! Grab Ubuntu at www.ubuntu.com it's free! and www.twitter.com/jkenn337 follow-me-on-twitter. 

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