[Trainer-talk] Fwd: GW Micro's BookSense Buddy Official Release

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Jun 23 01:24:33 UTC 2010

>Subject: GW Micro's BookSense Buddy Official Release
>From: gw-news at gwmicro.com
>Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 15:45:07 -0400
>To: gw-news at gwmicro.com
>GW Micro is proud to announce the official release of the BookSense 
>Buddy. The BookSense Buddy is designed to provide beginner BookSense 
>users a consistent and comfortable interface for transferring 
>extracted or zipped DAISY books (Bookshare, NLS, and RFB&D), Audible 
>audio books, supported documents (BRF, BRL, TXT, etc.) and audio 
>files (MP3, OGG, FLAC, etc.) to BookSense devices. BookSense Buddy 
>also provides direct access to the latest version of the BookSense firmware.
>Read more, and download the official release at:
>Changes made between the inital beta and this final release are as follows:
>    * The installer now verifies that you're installing on at least 
> Windows XP SP3.
>    * On launch, BookSense Buddy will check to make sure you're 
> running the correct .NET framework.
>    * Added Check for Updates feature in the Help menu which will 
> check for new BookSense Buddy versions.
>    * Added Edit and View menu with the following items:
>        * Edit
>            * Add/Remove From Queue - Adds or removes the selected 
> item to/from the transfer queue.
>        * View
>            * Refresh - Refreshes the file/directory list.
>            * Sort by Name - If checked, sorts the file/directory 
> list alphabetically.
>    * Added RFB&D Website to the Help menu
>    * Added the following hotkeys:
>        * F1: Help - Opens the readme.
>        * F2: Add/Remove from Queue - Adds or removes the selected 
> item to/from the transfer queue.
>        * F3: Transfer Queue - Opens the transfer queue dialog.
>        * F5: Refresh - Refreshes the file/directory list.
>    * Added support for the upcoming BookSense DS.
>The gw-news list is an announce only list used for GW Micro news and 
>product information.

                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920

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