[Trainer-talk] Fwd: Vinux 3.0 USB and DVD Editions!

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Jun 23 16:01:40 UTC 2010

>On behalf of the Vinux Development Team I am happy to announce that 
>final versions of the USB and DVD Editions of Vinux 3.0 are now 
>available for download from the website: 
>http://vinux.org.uk/downloads - There are three different versions 
>of the USB Edition available - Two of these are simply images of an 
>installed USB Vinux system which can easily be copied to a USB 
>pendrive of an equal or greater size using the 'dd' command in 
>Linux. The third version is a 'Universal' Edition which can be 
>installed to any USB pendrive of 1GB or greater on Linux or Windows. 
>Full instructions are available inside the zip file for Windows 
>users. The DVD Edition is simply the standard version of Vinux 3.0 
>with all of the optional EasyInstall packages installed by default 
>along with a few bonus packages. Please note that the DVD version 
>contain proprietary multi-media codecs and some applications that 
>are only accessible with magnification, but not with a 
>screen-reader. This version is perhaps
>  suitable for VI users who have sighted family members and would 
> like an OS that all of the family can use. There are some direct 
> download links below:
>Vinux 3.0 DVD http://sina.fi.ncsu.edu/Vinux-3.0-DVD.iso
>Vinux 3.0 USB 2G  http://sina.fi.ncsu.edu/Vinux-3.0-2GB.img.xz
>Vinux 3.0 USB 4G http://sina.fi.ncsu.edu/Vinux-3.0-4GB.img.xz
>Vinux 3.0 USB Windows http://sina.fi.ncsu.edu/Vinux-3.0-USB-Win.zip
>Dig that crazy beat on the drums: <http://vinux.org.uk>  The best is
>getting better!

         David Andrews and long white cane Harry, dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920

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