[Trainer-talk] accessible bookkeeping/accounting software - Accessibility - OpenOffice.org Wiki

Blaine Clark blaineclrk at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 04:50:52 UTC 2010

If you can set up spreadsheets correctly and accurately, check out 
OpenOffice. Here's a list of accessible programs it is compatible with;


* Windows, Screen Reader
# ZoomText 7.11, 8.12, 9.x
# JAWS 6.2, 7.x
# NVDA (open source!)

* Windows, Screen Magnifier
# ZoomText 7.11, 8.12, 9.x

* Windows, On Screen keyboard
# Probably all, because they just send Windows messages

* GNOME, Screen Reader
# Orca
# Gnopernicus

* GNOME, Screen Magnifier
# Gnopernicus
# (Orca)

* GNOME, On Screen keyboard
# Dasher

* Mac OS X
# VoiceOver

OpenOffice is free, nearly 100% compatible with MS Office suite and is 

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