[Trainer-talk] Fwd: List of accessible, open source projects

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Oct 5 19:54:20 UTC 2010

> From the web page
>Open Source Projects by Jamal Mazrui
>Although my web site about nonvisual software development
>lists mosts of my open source projects, it needs updating to be more 
>comprehensive.  It also lacks links to separate documentation about 
>the programs, which would help some people evaluate features before 
>downloading or installing the whole program.  This document is an 
>attempt to address those issues in the short term.  It lists my most 
>popular programs to date (excluding screen reader scripts), and also 
>includes links to their documentation only.
>Nearly all of these are Windows-based programs published under the 
>GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), explained at
>Some programs are written in cross-platform languages, so may be 
>adaptable to run on other operating systems as well.  Anyone may use 
>the programs in either binary or source code form.  I welcome 
>contributions that fix problems or enhance features.
>AppStamp -- A utility for updating a package from a web server.
>DbDialog -- A general purpose database manager, including a default 
>Contact table.
>EdSharp -- A productive text editor, word processor, file converter, 
>and code editor.
>Encoding -- Check and convert among various file encodings, 
>including versions of ANSI and Unicode.
>FileDir -- A file and directory manager that does much more than 
>Windows Explorer.
>GotNET -- Check for and install various versions of the .NET Framework.
>GrabText -- A command-line utility, dialog interface, and COM server 
>for real time extraction of text from computer screens.
>HomerApp -- The Homer Application framework, containing libraries 
>and tools for rapid development of .NET-based GUI applications.
>HomerJax -- A registration-free COM server with web client and XML support.
>IniForm -- A developer tool for defining a modal form (dialog) 
>through an input ini file, and obtaining the result through an output ini file.
>JAWS Script Exchange -- A program for installing 3rd party JAWS 
>scripts from a zip archive, or for Creating an executable package of 
>scripts to distribute to others.
>Layout by Code -- An AutoIt library for layout of graphical user 
>interfaces by function calls Rather than visual designers.
>PDF2TXT -- A program for single or batch conversion of PDFs to text, 
>including OCR capability.
>SayTools -- A COM server and set of executable utilities for 
>developers to add speech to an application, using either the default 
>screen reader or SAPI voice.
>WinDig -- A utility to extract as much information as possible from 
>an application's Main window, including lists of menu items, hot 
>keys, and controls.
>FAQ on Nonvisual Development
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                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920

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