[Trainer-talk] accessible bookkeeping/accounting software?

Chris R. Johnson express_able at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 30 02:36:26 UTC 2010

  Dear helpful trainers of adaptive technology,

What is some good accessible bookkeeping software?  Probably not 
Quickbooks.  Peachtree (2008 at least) works okay but not thoroughly 
(perhaps there are scripts?).  I didn't get very far with the nice and 
free TurboCash.  And the free and advanced Postbooks with Postgresql is 
too complex for me to begin as a program alone right now?
I know the choices are tremendous, but has anyone found something that 
works well for them? even a homemade integration of several programs 
(e.g. Excel, database, mailmerge (for invoices)?

Chris Johnson,
Assistive Tech Specialist

On 5/1/10 11:38 PM, James Teh wrote:
> On 2/05/2010 12:26 PM, tempjayren at gmail.com wrote:
>> also, i will hear things like button 4 of 20. and i have no idea what
>> button 4 is.
> The Windows system tray is rather flakey. Sometimes, the buttons just 
> seem to lose their labels. You can sometimes fix this by moving the 
> mouse to the button using NVDA+numpadDivide.
>> when i say not all are accessible, what happens here is say there'll be
>> 20, using that previous example, only 6 to 8 of them will be available
>> for some reason.
> The number provided is not necessarily the number of icons. In 
> reality, it's the number of objects reported to us by Windows, but I 
> suspect that includes the empty spaces that used to (but might no 
> longer) be occupied. We should probably consider killing the number 
> altogether here, as it is too confusing for users.
> Jamie

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