[Trainer-talk] {Disarmed} New: Twenty-One Apps We Can't Live Without!

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Fri Jun 15 09:46:38 UTC 2012

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>Even more indispensable apps!
>Book cover for "Twenty-One Apps We Can't Live Without"
>Twenty-one iPhone Apps We Can't Live Without
>By Judy Dixon and Doug Wakefield
>In braille, eBraille, Word/ASCII, and DAISY: $9.00
>Judy Dixon and Doug Wakefield love to play 
>around with iPhone apps, so we asked them to 
>pull together their "can't live without" apps in 
>our second booklet on the subject. We guarantee 
>you will find new apps that make life way 
>easier, most of which are free or less than $2. 
>Find out where you are in the world at any given 
>moment, what stores are nearby, bake brownies in 
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>in unfamiliar airports, heck, find new ways to enjoy life in the new iWorld!
>Order at:
>And don't miss our other iPhone guides:
>Started with the iPhone and 
>Useful Apps for Blind iPhone Users
>Tactile ScreenShot Quick Reference Guide
>To order any books, send payment to:
>NBP, 88 St. Stephen Street, Boston, MA 02115-4302
>Or call and charge it: toll-free (800) 548-7323 or (617) 266-6160 ext 520.
>Or order any of our books online at
>to a friend
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>Copyright © 2012 National Braille Press, All rights reserved.
>National Braille Press
>88 Saint Stephen St
>Boston, MA 02115
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