[Trainer-talk] OCR and MultiLanguage Documents

Erin Lauridsen erin_lauridsen at lbcenter.org
Thu Mar 7 17:40:46 UTC 2013

Good Morning all,
I know we've talked recently about pros and cons of various OCR software packages, but wondered if anyone had thoughts on which one best handles languages other than English.
In this particular case, the client is a novice technology user, documents may include English and Portuguese on the same page, and the client is totally blind so will need to read them with text to speech.
At CSUN, I saw the ReadIt Wand from GW Micro scan and read a multi-language document automatically, but am a little reluctant to trade the feature set of Kurzweil or Open Book for something that has primarily low vision oriented features.
Thanks much for any thoughts you can provide.

Erin Lauridsen

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