[Trainer-talk] Fwd: [STARpoint] Job Posting - AT Specialist MN

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Tue Aug 5 19:17:15 UTC 2014

>Jeni's posted reminded me that PACER Center also has an open 
>position in the Simon Technology Center.  Details about the posting 
>can be found at:
>Hope everyone is having a GREAT summer!
>Bridget Gilormini
>Director, Simon Technology Center
>PACER Center
>(952) 838-9000
>Champions for Children with Disabilities
>Facebook (give us a like): SimonTechnologyCenter
>Twitter: @simontechcenter
>Twitter:  @bgilormini
>Blog: simontechnologycenter.blogspot.com
>Pinterest:  SimonTechCenter
>Visit <http://www.pacer.org/stc/library>www.pacer.org/stc/library 
>for more information on our technology lending library.
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