[Trainer-talk] Computers for the blind/Minor Price Increase

David Goldfield disciple1211 at verizon.net
Wed Aug 27 23:50:20 UTC 2014

This is no big deal but Computers for the blind has increased the prices 
for their refurbished computers.  Desktops with 2 GB of RAM cost $110.00 
and laptops cost $160.00.  The Web site doesn’t mention this but 
desktops can be supplied with an extra gigabyte of memory for $35.  This 
should be done if financially feasible for the consumer making the 
purchase, although you can get away with 2 GB if that’s all you can 
afford.  Nothing about the specs seems to have changed.  The computers 
run Windows 7 Pro with NVDA for speech and a Zoomtext trial for large 
print users.  It also comes with OpenOffice, which is now quite usable 
with screen readers, along with check writing software and over 300 
public domain books.  I purchased one of their desktops last December 
and was more than pleased with what I received.
Now, if only they could sell a $160.00 Macbook Air …
Contact info is as follows.
Computers for the Blind
3101 High Plateau
Garland, Texas 75044
Make Checks Payable to:
Computers for the Blind
3101 High Plateau
Garland, Texas 75044



      David Goldfield,
Assistive Technology specialist

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