[Trainer-Talk] Windows 10 Narrator Commands Documentation

New Vision Tech Center newvisiontechcenter at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 14:13:39 UTC 2015

Hey Folks,
First post here. But I thought you all would appreciate this. Microsoft 
finally posted the official Narrator documentation online after some 
discussion on Twitter. Here's the link to the documentation.
For out of the box use or upgrades it seems to be a decent solution till 
you get your default AT solution up on its feet. Not sure how useful it 
will be beyond that.
David Ward
Adaptive Technology Instructor at New Vision
(Formerly Voice of the Blue Ridge)
Phone: 540-985-8900
Fax: 540-985-8992
Website: www.newvisionroa.org <http://www.newvisionroa.org>

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