[Trainer-Talk] brailliant bi 40 question

Kelsey Nicolay kelseynicolay1989 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 02:21:12 UTC 2016

I use a Brailliant bi 40 with JAWS.  I am trying to figure out 
how to select a block of text using the braille display.  I 
looked on Humanware's website and found the commands to cut, 
copy, and paste, but I could not find the commands to actually 
select a block of text.  I also have a Focus 14 and can do it on 
that, but I cannot figure out how to select text using the 
Brailliant.  Therefore, could someone who uses a Brailliant tell 
me how to do this?
Thank you,
Kelsey Nicolay

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