[Trainer-Talk] Greetings, Fwd: [QIAT] Bluetooth brailler, voiceover, autoentry text

Suzanne Erb suzerb1 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 21 16:28:49 UTC 2018

I am forwsarding this from another list.  The teacher will be following up with the specifics about the particular Braille device used with the iDevice: and other particulars.
Thank you for any assistance in this matter.
Suzanne Erb, M.S.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Bruce Alter <alterb at MAC.COM>
> Subject: [QIAT] Bluetooth brailler, voiceover, autoentry text
> Date: March 20, 2018 at 16:54:58 EDT
> Reply-To: Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology <QIAT at LSV.UKY.EDU>
> Hi,
> OK, here's a very specific issue that I'm hoping someone already figured out. I am working with a blind student who is a voiceover star.  He is using a Bluetooth brailler for text entry on his iPad. Here's the issue:
> He has a document in his google drive, that he wants to share with his teacher, from within the google docs app on his iPad.  To do this, he has to type into a name field. Typical behavior with or without voiceover, is that after the first letter of the teacher's email is typed, an auto entry box opens, with names from his contacts, or members of the google classroom he is in. But, when using the braille keyboard, text doesn't show up in the text box until he either types a shortcut for "enter", or the spacebar. However, after he does this, the auto entry doesn't come up. What is usually displayed is the letter he typed, and the word "enter". I think that the text he types is buffered until he hits space or enter, and that's what keeps auto entry from being active. 
> Question: Are there any braille keyboard command that would just put the letter in the textbox without also adding "enter"?
> I know that this is a pretty specialized question, but this student is doing amazing things, and I'd like to find a streamlined solution to this, if possible.
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