[Trainer-Talk] Assistive Technology Trainers Expo: Rescheduled to Friday, May 15, 8:00 PM Eastern Time

David Goldfield david.goldfield at outlook.com
Sun May 10 21:58:43 UTC 2020

Assistive Technology Trainers Expo

The following message may be forwarded to any interested parties or to 
any relevant mailing lists provided that announcements such as this one 
are appropriate and permitted for those lists.

So many of us are spending more time at home during the current Covid-19 
crisis. Some of us are working out of our homes. Even if not all of us 
are working many of us are finding ourselves using technology more than 
we had expected in very different ways, with an emphasis on 
teleconferencing. While some are very comfortable using both assistive 
as well as mainstream technology the fact is that some of us are not. 
Sometimes, we might find that we need a bit of additional help or 
training to help us in using that elusive piece of software or hardware. 
Whether it’s learning a new task in Microsoft Word, improving skills 
using Windows 10 or downloading a book onto your book player of choice 
it would be nice to find a trainer who knows how to do exactly what you 
want and who is willing to provide you with that much-needed assistance.

It is for this reason that I am launching an Assistive Technology 
Trainers Expo. This is a conference which will take place using the Zoom 
platform. It is scheduled for Friday, May 15 at 8:00 PM Eastern time. 
All are welcome to participate, whether you’re using the Zoom program or 
whether you just want to dial in by phone.

The format will be as follows. Each technology trainer will be given a 
maximum of five minutes to discuss his or her services. This can include 
their contact information, what they teach, how they teach, whether or 
not they charge for their services and how payments should be made. Of 
course, this information can be shared in just one minute but I’m giving 
each presenter a maximum of five minutes to elaborate or to go into more 
details, if they wish to do so. They could, as an example, discuss how 
or why they feeltheir teaching style is unique, examples of 
demonstrations of how they might present a concept, etc. They don’t have 
to speak for five minutes but they are welcome to do so if they wish and 
they will make their presentation without questions or interruptions 
from me. My only rule is that they stick to training services dealing 
with technology and not with the selling of other products or services.

We already have some trainers who have expressed interest in presenting. 
Any interested presenters should contact me privately at 
info at davidgoldfield.org <mailto:info at davidgoldfield.org> so I’ll know 
how many to expect.

This event will be recorded and will be eventually released for 
distribution via my Web site.

Here is the relevant Zoom information for this meeting.

Topic: Assistive Technology Trainers Expo

Time: May 15, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 896 8865 6749

Password: 8861204225

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,89688656749#,,1#,8861204225# US (Germantown)

+19294362866,,89688656749#,,1#,8861204225# US (New York)

Users who are calling in by phone can use the following number.

301 7158592

Meeting ID: 89688656749#

Password: 8861204225#

David Goldfield,
Blindness Assistive Technology Specialist
JAWS Certified, 2019


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