[Trainer-Talk] MacBook Dilemma

JASON ALAMILLO leadershipjba at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 17:59:09 UTC 2021

Hello all. As many of you know, there are a lot of us who have to deal with VR services all over the country on a daily or weekly basis. Mine in Nevada isn’t all that awesome or wonderful or helpful all the time, but recently they have told me that they would be willing to get me a MacBook if it is needed as I have expressed to them that it is. Only thing is I have a dilemma. I thought Apple would introduce a MacBook without a TouchBar and extra IO ports like an SD Card slot, MagSafe charging port, USBA and others. Unfortunately they didn’t. I do need a new MacBook. This one is just too slow when loading apps, editing videos and audio files, switching between windows, and especially now when doing meetings online, it sounds like a jet engine and it isn’t as effective as I need it to be. So I could go and ask them to get me one of the newer M1 MacBooks which would be absolutely amazing because of the immensely faster chip, boosted performance, and I would get it with tons more storage. But I do not like to use the TouchBar, which is what Apple replaced the row of function keys with. It freezes, it’s difficult to use with VoiceOver, and I’d rather use a row of function keys. I would have to deal with it should I ask for one of the current and newest M1 MacBook. I would also love to have the extra ports because it would make the computer more mobile and portable for me because I wouldn’t have to be carrying around a bunch of adapters just for all of the drives and such I need to use.
Another concern is that the newer Macs don’t have windows compatibility. Does anyone know if that is true?
I know I could wait until Apple does another event or drops MacBooks just without an event, but that could be until September or even later than that. I know that they may or may not bring back the TouchBar or IO ports, it’s Apple, we can only wonder. So I am not sure what to do and I thought I’d ask all of you even though most of us are windows users. What do you think I should do, I am quite confused and at the moment have no idea what to do. Thank you so much for your time and advice.

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