[Trainer-Talk] Translating brail to text

JASON ALAMILLO leadershipjba at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 22:46:01 UTC 2021

Hello all. I have a friend copied on this email so she can see all of your replies. She is now a new assistive technology instructor at one of our centers here in Nevada and she will be working with a variety of clients. Side note, she is also one of my clients, and we worked a lot together especially in 2020. She is currently enrolled in a masters AT program in a university, online of course, and she is in an intro to braille class. She wanted to know if there is a software where she can translate braille to regular text. So for example, BRF files to text, word, things like that. If there is, which would you recommend? If there is a cost to any of them, how much would it be and do they have any deals? And if there are any free software products that translate braille to text, that would be helpful as well. Thank you so much.

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