[Trainer-Talk] Bullets and Headings with Word 365

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Sat Aug 27 23:27:33 UTC 2022

For headings:  control-alt-# with # being 1 2 3 or whatever, 
highlight the heading and hit the command.


At 04:56 PM 8/27/2022, you wrote:
>I'm trying to format a document using Microsoft Word 365, and I am
>wanting to bullet a couple of lists and use some headings, like
>heading 1, 2, and 3.
>I found the bullets in the ribbons, but is there a quick keyboard
>command to apply them? I can't find it anywhere. And, I thought there
>was a key stroke for the headings and subheadings as well, like Alt 1
>or Alt 2 or something like that.
>Am I off here?

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