[Trainer-Talk] Hearing aid compatibility with iPhone

Nancy Coffman nancy.l.coffman at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 16:53:57 UTC 2022


I have a student who uses Oticon hearing aids. She was told they are compatible with the iPhone, however, when her hearing aids are connected she cannot hear voiceover. She has to turn them completely off to use voiceover. This means that when they are on, she can only hear them and when they are off, she can only hear voiceover. Any hints anyone would have would be welcome.

Interestingly, these are purchased with government funds. I am told there are only two kinds they can buy and she was told these are the best. I wonder if it also happens with other brands as some people have switched back to android for hearing aid compatibility.

Thank you.

Nancy Coffman 

Sent from my iPhone

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