[Trainer-Talk] iPhone not responding well to my touch gestures

portillo.jim at gmail.com portillo.jim at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 12:52:52 UTC 2023

Good morning,

For a few weeks now, I have been dealing with a very annoying issue on my
phone. When I do something like swipe or other Voiceover gestures with my
finger, things start out OK, but after a few instances, there is a sort of
jump or crash that takes me one layer back or to the very top of where I
started, and I need to start over again. It is annoying when I'm looking at
something like a website or Social Media and then the jump happens.

Also, when I input text using Braille mode, I won't get more than two
sentences into what I'm writing, and then it jumps and changes modes, making
me need to go back to the rotar and go back to Braille mode. 

I don't think that speed has much to do with what's going on, but I've tried
slowing down, which doesn't always work for me. I just know that something's
got to give because this continuous jumping around or going back a page or
layer doesn't make me productive at all!

Has this happened to anyone else? What might be happening here, and what can
I try to fix it? I've not seen this behavior until a few weeks ago.


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