[Trainer-Talk] Importing Distribution List from Gmail Contacts into Outlook

Brian Vogel britechguy at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 16:22:57 UTC 2024


It's all in what you're used to.  I personally dislike Outlook Classic,
though I know how to use it well.  I think Google has done a bang-up job on
accessibility for the standard view in Gmail, you (generic you) just have
to learn how it's used.  Use Gmail with a screen reader - Gmail Help -
Google Help <https://support.google.com/mail/answer/90559?hl=en>
A ton of other tutorials have come out from many sources on how to use
Gmail standard view efficiently with a screen reader in various formats:

Web apps are different, and particularly in conjunction with a screen
reader.  But when used with JAWS or NVDA as Google suggests and using the
shortcuts, I think it's as slick as many of the email clients I've dealt
with.  But it's different, because it is not an installed program.  The
techniques are different and require a learning curve to adjust to.


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