[Travelandtourism] Minutes from the February 17, 2015 meeting of the NFB Travel & Tourism

Cheryl Echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 18 14:04:16 UTC 2015

Good morning all:


Below are the minutes from the February 17, 2015 Travel & Tourism Division
meeting, a proud division of the National Federation of the Blind.


Minutes will also be posted on the www.nfbtravel.org
<http://www.nfbtravel.org>  website.


Travel and Tourism Division

Secretary Report

February 17, 2015


The NFB Travel and Tourism Division held its monthly meeting on Tuesday,
February 17, 2015 via conference call.  The meeting was called to order by
President Cheryl Echevarria at 8:05 P.M., EDT.  There were 14 people on the
call.  All officers an all board members are present with the exception of
the secretary.


Cheryl announced that Glenda Farnum, who had been our treasurer, has
resigned due to personal reasons.  The board elected Jo Taylor to serve   in
this position on an entermbasis until the national convention.


We talked about still having a table in the exhibit hall at national
convention.  We are still looking at selling an item at the table, possibly
a water bottle, tote bag or something else.  Cheryl went around the call to
see who would be attending convention and seeing who would be willing to
work the table.


Jo Taylor gave the treasurers report.  Beginning balance on January 31 was
$2,324.58.  Income was $29.70, which was for three membership dues times $10
minus $1.80 for PayPal.  Total expenses were $10 for our PAC plan.  The
ending balance on February 17 is $2,344.28.

There is $1,833.36 in checking and $500.92 in savings.  It was moved by
Jamal Powell to accept the report as read, and was seconded by Jo Taylor.
The motion carried.


John read the minutes from the January 22 meeting.  Steve Hastalas moved the
report be accepted as read, and it was seconded by Jamal.  The motion


Cheryl gave an update on when we will be having our division meeting at the
national convention.  It will be at 6:00 P.M. on July 7.  The room that we
will be in is TBD.  We will have a table outside the room to take care of
dues.  If you want to help work our table in the exhibit hall, please email
Cheryl.  Her email address is cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com.


Cheryl announced that she has appointed Amy Baron as Chairperson of our
fund-raising trip committee.  We are now looking at charging around
$1,000.00 per person.  If anyone would like to be on the committee, they can
contact Amy via email.  Her email   address is aebaron at comcast.net.


Cheryl opened the floor for discussion on any topic.  Dave Hutchens asked
about how cruise lines do billing when it   says the price is for double
occupancy.  Cheryl explained how the price is split between those in the
room.  You have to be careful about how it is worded.  Cheryl had Dave talk
about his tour   he took to England.  He talked about what type of
assistance he received on the trip.  He said that most people would ask him
if he needed any help.  He also told us where he went and what he enjoyed
the most.


Cheryl let us know about a service that is provided through TSA, which is
TSA cares, which is through tsa.gov.  You would call TSA at least   72 to 48
hours before your flight, and give them your flight information and that you
are going to need assistance at the airport.   Someone would met you at the
check-in desk and help you through security and to your gate.  It is a free
service through TSA.

The next division meeting will be on Tuesday, March 17 at 8:00 P.M. EDT.

There being no other business, a motion was made by Steve Hastalas and
seconded by Jamal Powell and Amy Baron to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting
was adjourned at 9:02 P.M. EDT.


Respectfully submitted by, 

John Tebockhorst. Acting secretary




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