[Vendorsmi] what does it mean, what did he mean?

David Robinson drob1946 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 22:09:58 UTC 2011


   We often make contact for jobs and other opportunities through people we
know. Sometimes it is beneficial to know someone who can tell you about a
job.  However, if someone gets a job or an appointment just because of their
connection and not on merit, then it could be viewed as favoritism.  As our
NFBMi president was recently appointed to the Commission board by our new
Govenor, some people could say it was because he knew the new Govenor.  I
would challenge anyone to argue that he did not have merit to fill such a
position.  The blind of Michigan are fortunate to have advocates that are
truly for them and not self serving.  Perhaps many are so beaten down by the
lies told by the management of the Commission that it is hard to believe
that ones in power are in it for themselves and can do no good.  Remember,
nothing is wrong in having faith in those you know to be strong and true.
The National Federation of the Blind of Michigan will be strong and true,and
we are proud to have those we call are friends and colleagues to have the
faith of the new Govenor, and lead the Commission out of the muck and myer
the lies and deception and downright abuse of the blind practiced by the
current management regime. 
   We the organized blind of Michigan will fight for what we believe,and we
will not apologize for what we believe. We know what is right and will work
to help others fight for their right to live and succeed in their chosen
walk of life.  If we must, we will take power to make change but we will
invite all the blind to stand with us and share in the gains.  The
Federation is wanting to have each of us impowered not only to fight for
ourselves, but gain first class treatment for all the blind.  

Dave Robinson
-----Original Message-----
From: vendorsmi-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:vendorsmi-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Joe Sontag
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 11:57 PM
To: NFB of Michigan Vendors List; NFB of Michigan List
Subject: [Vendorsmi] what does it mean, what did he mean?

A visitor to the most recent meeting of the National Association of Blind
Merchants of Michigan expressed the opinion that he would, 
as he put it, "hate to see an NFB-controlled program" in our state and that
the NFB of Michigan was benefitting from nepotism.  I 
now give you the first three definitions of nepotism obtained from
Google.com for your consideration.

Does anyone here believe that any of our members or that NFBM enjoys special
ties of family or close friendship to any of the 
leaders of state government?  Could it be that past nepotism on a grand
scale is what's behind many of the problems we face with the 
Commission for the Blind today?

Read the paragraphs below and then please let us know what you think.

>From google.com, nepotism:

favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by
giving them

Nepotism is favoritism granted to relatives or friends, without regard to
their merit.Modern
Language Association (MLA):"nepotism." The American Heritage New Dictionary
of Cultural
Literacy, Third Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005. 10 Aug. 2009. . ...

The favoring of relatives or personal friends because of their relationship
than because of their abilities

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