[Vendorsmi] Fw: Port Huron and Mentors

Terry Eagle terrydeagle at yahoo.com
Wed May 15 02:19:01 UTC 2013

This is PURE B.S. 4 BP and blind vendors.

Here are my ifs:

If the BEP management and promotional agent were aware of the ongoing
problems with the Port Huron route and Mr. Pertee, the route should and
would not have deteriorated to the condition and point it did.

If the BEP had really cared about replacing Mr. Pertee with a qualified
blind temporary operator, they would have drawn from those of us who have a
proven track record as temps and are on such list.  More BS4BP in their
choice of sighted outside vendor.  Kiss BEP good-bye, while BEP management
is busy kissing EOC leadership, instead of doing their job for blind

If the Promotional  Agent was making regular site visits, then action could
have and should have been taken to document and remove Mr. Pertee in a
timely manner, as is routinely done by BEP management when they don't like
an operator for being factually outspoken, or an advocate, or are affiliated
with NFB.

If BEP paid their invoices in a timely manner, they would not have any
problem getting product from Gordon Food Service.  In other words, if BEP
management led by good example, and do exactly what they expect from some
Blind vendors, GFS and other sources would be available for product on short

If BEP management acted in the same fashion as they did during the Snyder
transition period at the State Library/Muesum facility to provide inventory
and equipment, then All-Star Bending would not be needed, and a blind
temporary operator could and should have replaced Mr. Pertee. Perhaps BEP
management was simply sleeping on-the-job and unaware and could not act
timely to benefit a blind person and BEP for employment of the blind, rather
than making excuses for giving away employment opportunities for the blind
and future of BEP.

If the BEST (Business Enterprise Support Team) was employed the way it was
intended and approved by the MCB Board, the problems with Mr. Pertee could
have and should have been identified and dealt with in one way or another
during the six month probationary period, and likely removed in the same
manner as Mr. Larry Ball was treated and removed from the BEP,
notwithstanding the litigation and settlement cost to BEP.  Now we the blind
lose much more in job opportunities, as BEP management sleeps on-the-job.

If promotional agents were made accountable equally, then the incompentent,
behind-in-their-duties, and site visit no-show state employees would have
been treated in the same manner as Ms. Mary Jenkins and Mr. David Robinson.
Oh that's right, those two were identified as affiliated with NFB and true
advocates for blind vendors.  And of course, there is a double standard
where it comes to accountability of some Promotional agents, especially if
sighted, non-NFB affiliated, and willing to sleep with BEP management. Then
accountability looks the other way, as the same performance goes

If BEP and BS4BP management was so concerned about FULL SERVICE, then we
would not have minimal producing facilities, a cafeteria closed at the
Anderson Building, and one operator operating two facilities, halfway across
the state, while another operator remains out-of-country beyond the 60-days
without an approved leave, and not having to surrender the facility, or
suspension of license for not being in compliance with BEP Administrative
Rules.  OH, that's right, the rules apply differently if you are a black
female, a white male, or you are bought off or sleep with BEP management.

If the BEP rules are being followed, then why is All-Star vending being
given a guaranteed six month temporary assignment, unlike blind temporary
operators, whom  are only guaranteed thirty day operation of a facility.
Sure looks like more discrimination against the blind.  

If the BEP rules are being followed by BEP and BS4BP management, why is the
Port Huron vending route not on the bid line.  Just mor BS4BP and the future
of BEP.

If the law is being followed, then why was the solicitation for an outside
source not made public, so qualified blind business persons could bid on the
temporary contract?  Perhaps there is an intimate relationship or nepotism
involved in this transactiom?

If the bid process for the Anderson building cafeteria was determined by the
Department of Attorney General to be in violation of the BEP Administrative
Rules, then how is this outsourcing not also in violation of BEP rules and

If the law is being followed, then why did the EOC not have "active
participation" or "input" into the award of a six month temporary operation
of the vending facility to an outside vendor?  It is not reasonable to
assume thatjust because EOC Chair Rob Essenberg is in an intimate
relationship with BEP management, that he speaks for the elected body of

However, If Rob Essenberg was simply appointed promotional agent, as BEP
management desires, and had been assigned to Mr. Pertee, Mr. Essenberg could
have mentored Mr. Pertee on how to operate a non-profitable facility, gotten
unlimited financial support from MCB, showed an inflated bogus profit the
last month, and promoted to a top location, which he need not be at
regularly.  SUCCESS for both Mr. Pertee and the BEP!  

If Garnett does not stop asking vital questions of BEP and BS4BP, then she
too faces an illegal closed meeting of the EOC, to be warned to
cease-and-desist such embarrassing and humiliating questions, or risk facing
the consequences, just as Ms. Brooks recently faced the consequences squad.
In other words, STOP being an independent thinker and questioner.  Rob
Essenberg can and was elected by EOC to do those tasks, if he so desires and
chooses to do for you and Ms. Brooks.  Get with the EOC BEP management
program and protocol, or lose your license and livelihood.  Don't you get
the writing on the wall, darn it, Garnett?

-----Original Message-----
From: Vendorsmi [mailto:vendorsmi-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 6:17 PM
Subject: [Vendorsmi] Fw: Port Huron and Mentors

Much as predicted here.  At least there was a response.
What do you think?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Garnet <mailto:garsvend at aol.com>  
To: John McEntee <mailto:mcenteej1 at gmail.com>  ; Joe Sontag
<mailto:suncat0 at gmail.com>  
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 17:28
Subject: Fwd: Port Huron and Mentors

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

	From: "Zanger, Connie (LARA)" <zangerc at michigan.gov>
	Date: May 14, 2013, 12:53:58 PM EDT
	To: "Garsvend at aol.com" <Garsvend at aol.com>
	Cc: Rob Essenberg <rob.essenberg at yahoo.com>,
"resolutioncomm at sbcglobal.net" <resolutioncomm at sbcglobal.net>,
"sjx3 at sbcglobal.net" <sjx3 at sbcglobal.net>, "keathleygreg at yahoo.com"
<keathleygreg at yahoo.com>, "jiggyzee at att.net" <jiggyzee at att.net>, "Kevin
Tomczack (momandmikey at hotmail.com)" <momandmikey at hotmail.com>, "Nathanual
Prater (thecrave at me.com)" <thecrave at me.com>, "lisalweber at yahoo.com"
<lisalweber at yahoo.com>, "osvrjo at gmail.com" <osvrjo at gmail.com>,
"lucynmisty at yahoo.com" <lucynmisty at yahoo.com>, "Hull, James (LARA)"
<hullj at michigan.gov>, "Rodgers, Edward (LARA)" <rodgerse at michigan.gov>,
"Luzenski, Sue (LARA)" <LuzenskiS at michigan.gov>, "Pemble, Mike (LARA)"
<PembleM at michigan.gov>, "Belknap, Katie (LARA)" <BelknapK at michigan.gov>
	Subject: RE: Port Huron and Mentors

	Good morning, Garnet;


	Thank you for your inquiry regarding the Port Huron Vending Route.
It is always appreciated when Committee members and operators bring their
questions directly to the Agency, rather than continue to wonder and
speculate.  The following responds to your two inquiries.


	Regarding the I-94 Port Huron Vending Route:

	You are correct.  The condition at of the Port Huron Vending Route
had seriously deteriorated.  Not only had Mr. Pertee failed to service the
vending route, he also failed to maintain the equipment and report equipment
malfunctions.  While the Agency cannot  verify your assertion that Mr.
Pertee failed to pay sales tax, you may be correct that he was deficient in
this aspect of his business, as well.


	And, you are correct that it is the Program's goal to provide
opportunities for blind persons to have a viable means of making a living.
To that end, Agency staff attempted to work with Mr. Pertee to assist him in
properly managing this facility.  You may also know that more than one E O C
member attempted to help Mr. Pertee.   Perhaps even Mr. Pertee's classmates
reached out to him.  Unfortunately, Mr. Pertee was not receptive to these


	Mr. Pertee surrendered his license to operate a Business Enterprise
Program facility in the State of Michigan on Friday, May 3rd, turning over
his keys to Agency staff that afternoon.  On Monday, May 6th, a product
inventory was taken and the vending machine locks removed and replaced.  On
that same day, the Agency signed a temporary operator Agreement with All
Star Vending.  It is the same Agreement the Agency uses when engaging any
temporary operator.  Just as other temporary operators use State of Michigan
equipment, All Star Vending, as the temporary operator, is using State of
Michigan equipment.  All Star immediately began servicing the sites on the
vending route.


	On Friday, May 9th, B E P management and E O C leadership visited 3
of the 6 sites on this vending route.  This group found the vending machines
(except where waiting for parts) to be fully functional, immaculately clean
and fully stocked.  


	While this may not be the way you would have resolved this issue,
the Agency chose this resolution as best for the Program for the following

	<!--[if !supportLists]-->.         <!--[endif]-->The Agency's
Memorandum of Understanding with M DOT includes this condition:  Assure that
vending machines will not be inoperable more than 12 consecutive hours
without just cause.  Assume complete responsibility for damage or theft of
vending machines, vending machine areas and all contents.  Vandalized
machines will normally be removed within 24 hours.  One of each product type
machine must be operable and vending products at all times.  Given this
requirement, the vending machines had to be brought back to full service

	<!--[if !supportLists]-->.         <!--[endif]-->The need for an
operator was immediate.  To comply with the Memorandum of Understanding, the
Agency could not leave the vending facility unattended while the established
bid process unfolded and an operator could be identified.

	<!--[if !supportLists]-->.         <!--[endif]-->The Agency
considered many temporary operators, including recently graduated students.
It was our judgment that a temporary operator would not have the resources
as you described to build up the vending route.  And, it was our judgment
that it would be a grave disservice to turn the vending route over to a
brand new operator.

	<!--[if !supportLists]-->.         <!--[endif]-->The repair service
procurement process the Agency is constrained to use is cumbersome and
causes delays in bringing equipment to full service.  You are all too well
aware, perhaps painfully so, of the delays that occur due to the repair
service process.  In light of the need to meet the conditions of the
Memorandum of Understanding, the Agency did not have the luxury of
completing the repairs. 

	<!--[if !supportLists]-->.         <!--[endif]-->The need for fully
stocked vending machines was immediate.  While the State of Michigan has a
statewide contract with Gordon Food Service, the Agency has recently had
significant difficulties with Gordon's honoring B E P purchase orders issued
against the contract.  Most recently these difficulties have been
experienced at Cadillac Place and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Again, In light of the need to meet the conditions of the Memorandum of
Understanding, the Agency did not have the luxury of utilizing the
established product procurement process.

	<!--[if !supportLists]-->.         <!--[endif]-->Finally, the Agency
wished to have the facility up and running well prior to the first of the
summer holiday weekends.  


	Any one of these factors would be a challenge for an operator coming
to this facility.  Taken all together, the Agency judged it to be onerous to
expect an operator to assume these responsibilities.  Additionally, the
Agency wished to have the facility up and running well prior to Memorial Day
holiday weekend; and to have it well established by the Labor Day holiday
weekend.  It was our judgment that the use of All Star Vending as a
temporary operator was the right solution.


	Early in October, the Agency will evaluate the business.  Based on
the evaluation results, the facility (all 6 sites) will be placed on the bid


	Regarding Mentors:

	The Agency has often used retired B E P operators as mentors for
struggling or new operators.  The Agency has used Bill Myers as a mentor on
several occasions.  And despite our pleas, Bill has always refused payment
for his services.  Recently, the Agency arranged with Tom Carpenter to
mentor Henry Mosley as Henry moved from the Hannah Building to the Romney
Building, a politically very sensitive facility.  Also recently, Brenda
Karsies mentored new operator Silvia Trevino at the Kent County D H S
office.  The Program did not compensate these mentors, and for reasons of
client confidentiality, cannot  inquire of Voc Rehab if they provided this
service.  While we have reached out to other retirees, they have not always
been willing or available to assist.


	It is hoped this information has been helpful to you, Garnet.  As
always, if you have further questions or require additional information, you
are invited to contact me or James Hull.


	With best regards always,

	Constance Zanger

	Business Enterprise Program Manager

	Bureau of Services for Blind Persons

	Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs


	517/335.5140 (facsimile)


	From: Garsvend at aol.com [mailto:Garsvend at aol.com] 
	Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 4:35 PM
	To: Zanger, Connie (LARA)
	Cc: abj.vending at yahoo.com; jrvending87 at yahoo.com; sunkat at wmis.net;
sjx3 at sbcglobal.net; keathleygreg at yahoo.com; resolutioncomm at sbcglobal.net;
jiggyzee at att.net
	Subject: Port Huron and Mentors


	Hi Constance,

	     I was very disappointed to find out that the Port Huron
	vending route was turned over to the private sector. I know this
	was run down and needs a lot of work. Mr. Pertee had this route for
	almost 2 years and no real or effective corrective action ever took
	place. How could anyone not paying sales tax, not filling the
	machines, no inventory, etc. last so long. Now, why is the agency
	taking a job opportunity away from a qualified candidate? Why are
	turning state owned equipment over to the private sector? I've heard
	the inventory was an issue. There has been many inventory shortage
	issues in the past and there was always a way to deal with it. I'm
	sure if an existing operator was to accept this route they would be
	willing  to use their own money for the starting inventory. Just
like I had to do.

	The agency could get caught up in less than 30 days. I feel the
agency took the
	easy way out even though the agency is just as responsible for the
	condition of this route as the prior operator. It's a shame. Isn't

	purpose of the agency to employ blind people and  not sited people.
	    Also. I would like to know how many operators have agency
	provided mentors? I would like to know who the mentors are and how
	much they are getting paid?  Is VR or the BEP paying for their
	services? Are there former BEP retirees providing that service?

	Thanks as always,


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