[vendtalk] National Federation of the Blind will again make Randolph-Sheppard a priority in 2010

Kevan Worley kevanworley at blindmerchants.org
Thu Jan 14 18:28:28 UTC 2010

Greetings colleagues and friends,


The National Federation of the Blind and its division, The National
Association of Blind Merchants, continues to be the most active and
thoughtful force working for the protection and expansion of
Randolph-Sheppard. Collaborating through the Blind Entrepreneurs Alliance
and through the targeted efforts made by the NFB, we will again this year
raise the profile of Randolph-Sheppard and business opportunities for the
blind on Capitol Hill. You may be interested in reading the attachment. This
is the fact sheet we will be carrying to Congress February 1-4. Members of
the Federation will be on Capitol Hill in force to educate members of
Congress and key staff members. Some of you will be with us, joining the
blind of the nation in our hundreds, as we tramp the halls of Congress. I
look forward to seeing many of you there. And we appreciate everyone's hard
work to advance our joint efforts. 


At Your Service, 

Kevan Worley

President, National Association of Blind Merchants


There is a Braille literacy crisis in America.

You can be part of the solution.

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