[vendtalk] Bonnie Prescott

Kevan Worley kevanworley at blindmerchants.org
Mon Jan 25 21:57:07 UTC 2010

Federation Merchants:


I trust you saw my note on this list Friday regarding the very sad news of
the passing of our dear friend and member, Bonnie Prescott. I hope that we
can honor Bonnie's passing in our heart and in our prayers. I also hope that
a few of us who are able can make a $25 or $50 contribution to the memorial
fund set up. The dollars are used to assist young, new Federationists attend
important and empowering Federation activities. I will be sending $50. I'm
sure there are some who can afford $15 or $20. Here's the information from
Debbie Hietala. 




Hi Fellow vendors and NFB members, the Pinellas Chapter of the NFB lost a
very dear member last week, Bonnie Prescott.  She and her husband Paul had
been very active supporters and Bonnie was always there to be of service.

Our chapter has lost several members in the past few years including David
Anspach, our chapter president, last June.  We have created a memorial fund
for those who would like to honor our members passing.  The funds raised in
the memorial fund are strictly used to provide scholarships for blind
students presented at our state NFB convention.  Anyone who wishes to make a
donation to honor Bonnie Prescott can do it the following way:

   1.  Make check payable to Pinellas Chapter NFB Memorial Fund

   2.  Mail to Prescott C/o

Debbie Hietala

7524 15th street N.

St. Petersburg, Fl  33702



At Your Service, 

Kevan Worley

President, National Association of Blind Merchants




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