[Wasagdu] parade

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Fri Nov 27 23:33:32 UTC 2015

Ok, me just musing. Do we have enough handlers in one area to march in a
parade under our own banner? I just think this would be cool PR for the
group and for handlers. We could throw out one page handouts of the do and
don'ts of helping a blind person, put contact for speaking engagements etc.
We need several handlers to make it a go for say, "The Torch Light parade"
in Seattle. What do we have on the east side of our fair State? Vancouver?


Ok, maybe when we get more members this could be a good idea. So here you go
Marcy as a way to promote the NFB of WA.

Becky and the fluffy flying fur ball, dats me. Toothy grin. Love Jake    


Becky Frankeberger

Butterfly Knitting

-           Ponchos

-           Afghans

-           Shawls

-           Custom Knitting


becky at butterflyknitting.com


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