[Wasagdu] unforseen problems

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Sat Feb 13 16:17:32 UTC 2016

We have all experienced problems we didn't count on. So I was off to the
beauty shop and fully intended on taking Jake. It is easy work for an eleven
year old dog who thinks he is five years old. Well he didn't come back
downstairs, so thought, Beck there's your sign, he just isn't up to coming
today. If I asked him, he would have jumped into the harness. So off I went
onto the bus and back off to see Susie, smile. A couple brought in there two
month old puppy, this shop is dog friendly, and Jake isn't distractible. I
thought boy Jake would have enjoyed the puppy. I still can't think of the
breed. She was very quiet. The bus came early and Susie ran out to ask if
they would pick up someone else as I was almost finished. She agreed and
mentioned two places very close to where I was. But she wasn't given
permission. So I waited and waited. Susie called back and tried to reason
with them, but no deal I had to wait for another two hours.  So Susie said
Beck I don't want to tell you what happened, and said she would bring me


Then I saw what I would be getting into, a very nice high truck. Thank God
for grab handles. But I thought would Jake be able to jump safely in and out
of the truck? I just was thankful he didn't come with me. Plus there isn't
anywhere real close to park him, and that is a must for an eleven year old
golden after nearly five hours.


Has this stuff ever happen to you?


I wrote a blistering note to the head of transit, may he be fired, and to my
County Commissioners who I know. 


Becky and Jake    

Becky Frankeberger

Butterfly Knitting

-           Ponchos

-           Afghans

-           Shawls

-           Custom Knitting


becky at butterflyknitting.com


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