[WesternWayneMI] Saturday NFB chapter meeting

donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com
Wed May 1 13:25:32 UTC 2024

May 4 Chapter meeting

Greetings Federation Family and Friends,

This is just a reminder to let you know that our New Wayne County Chapter
meeting will be held this Saturday May 4 from noon until 4p m. Our gathering
this month will be held at the University of Michigan Dearborn Environmental
Interpretive Center, 4901 Evergreen Road in Dearborn. At noon we will be
breaking bread together and enjoying  lots of cultural treats. Our business
is scheduled for 1-3p m which will include convention plans, constitutional
concerns, a raffle and the ever popular auction. Please plan to attend
because after the business we will be traveling the trails outside in the
natural area and witness wonders in the woods.

Thanks and blessings,

Donna Posont

President, New Wayne County Chapter

National Federation of the Blind of Michigan


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