[WesternWayneMI] May 11 Meet Many Migrators

donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com donnabutterfly50 at gmail.com
Wed May 1 14:12:31 UTC 2024

Meet Many Migrators, May 11, 2024

Come Celebrate with us as we witness the return of many Michigan songbirds
as well as those just passing through on their way to northern nesting
grounds. May 11, 2024 is International Migratory Day and we will have much
to excite us at the University of Michigan Dearborn Environmental
Interpretive Center. The woods will be alive with song and there will be no
lack of sensory experiences. Please join us at 9a m through noon to learn
about and enjoy the many migrators near the center at 4901 Evergreen Road in
Dearborn. At noon we will break for lunch which will be provided by the
Birding by Ear and Beyond program. Weather permitting we will spend time in
the afternoon digging and planting in the Matt Clew Butterfly Garden on
campus. We built this garden in 2013 during our Sense-sational Adventures in
Summer Science and it is sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind
of Michigan.    Please consider joining us for any or all of this glorious
spring day and meet some migrants. For more information or transportation
requests please contact;

Donna Posont

Coordinator, Birding by Ear and Beyond

University of Michigan Dearborn

Environmental Interpretive Center

4901 Evergreen Road


dposont at Umich.edu <mailto:dposont at Umich.edu> 


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