[blindlaw] RE Guide Dogs in the Workplace

Elizabeth Rene emrene at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 17 22:21:32 UTC 2010


I practiced Law with guide dogs for 16 years, and partnered with them for 
two years in major medical centers during seminary while training for 
hospital chaplaincy.  And I laughed out loud when I read James's post.

He's absolutely right about guide dogs in the law office and in court.  I 
want to add, as a woman attorney, that the presence of my dog ensured that 
my criminal defendants treated me with respect!  Having had a dog in court 
has left me with some of the best stories to tell, too.  Every judge reacted 
positively towards my dogs, and my canine colleague added to the general 
bonhomie of the office.

The medical teams I worked with loved my dogs, and with only an exception or 
two, all of my patients (kids especially) loved my dog.

My dogs had a vastly expanded life, many adventures, and an ever-growing 
network of friends and fans because of their dual-career status.  They 
weren't just mobility tools, they were my partners in everything I did, and 
have been remembered by others decades after their passing.

Go for it!


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