[humanser] working at the VA hospital question

Darrel Kirby dkirby at mchsi.com
Sat Nov 23 17:40:39 UTC 2013

	Hello All:

I could use some help. I was offered a position at the VA hospital this past
week. The job is similar to my current position at University of Iowa
Hospital. Both positions are in Iowa City and have similar job duties. I am
attempting to weigh the pros and cons of each position. I want to know about
documentation accessibility and others experiences with the VA hospital.

I realize that this topic is more personal, and so people may avoid
responding to the entire list. My email is dkirby at mchsi.com. I appreciate
any information about your VA experience and would love the opportunity to
talk to someone who either works or has worked at the VA.

Thank you,

Darrel Kirby - Iowa City, Iowa


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