[humanser] Examinations

JMassay jmassay1 at cox.net
Tue Nov 26 17:05:05 UTC 2013

Hello all-

I have taken the NCE and the Oklahoma Legal & Ethical Responsibilities Exam.
While I was able to use JAWS to take the NCE, it was not under the
circumstances that I had hope for. The exam, on a USB, was sent to an
alternate test site where I was able to use JAWS to read the exam an d mark
my answers. A scribe then marked the , wait for it, large print answer
booklet. Sigh. Fortunately for me, I am familiar with the person who was my
scribe and I trust her to have done the job well.  She, too , was perplexed
as to why the answer booklet was in large print!

The reason I am now writing is that I also had to take the Legal & Ethical
exam for Oklahoma. In Oklahoma , LPC's are regulated by a legislative act.
Initially the staff at the licensure office told me that I would not be able
to use assistive technology to take the computerized Legal &Ethical exam.
After speaking to the staffer, I quickly came to  the understanding that he
, clearly, had no idea what he was talking about. When I contacted the test
site I told them about the JAWS dongle  and asked if that would be a
problem. The reply was ."Of course, why wouldn't we let you use that to take
the test!". I took and passed the online exam yesterday. You'll be happy to
know that I am ethical enough to practice in Oklahoma! 

I'm still waiting on the results from the NCE. Cross your fingers, light a
candle, say a prayer.

I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving and hope that you connect with
family and friends in close and meaningful ways.

Your sister in the Federation, 


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