[humanser] Follow up MSW Practicum placement challenges email

Lora :) ichoosechrist2 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 05:48:34 UTC 2016

Hello List,

I emailed the list a while back about a practicum placement in a
masters of social work program. I had been talking to the practicum
liaison and agencies and himself had concerns about being able to
complete an assessment without full use of all my senses and
confidentiality of reader/drivers. I have some follow up questions for
the list. I am looking for anecdotal factual qualitative data that I
can then present showing what is working for blind social workers in
the trenches day to day. I would also appreciate it if you included
what school you obtained your degree from. Following are my questions:

How do you perform an assessment where visual detail is required?

Walk me through a real life scenario of a client evaluation. How did
you adapt the visual information?

How did you interact with your reader driver during an assessment? Did
you develop a list of observation criteria for your reader/driver
regarding visual information before going to see the client? What did
you do as far as checking in with your reader/driver regarding visual
information as it relates to case notes?

Take me through a typical day as a blind social worker

What alternative blindness skills have you developed to assist in
performing the job description?

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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