[nabs-l] The role of a student division?

Jim Reed jim275_2 at yahoo.com
Thu May 21 18:10:01 UTC 2009

Hello all, 

I just had dinner with the Montana State affiliate President, and he admitted to me that one of his motivations for begining a student division is to serve as a way to recruit young people into the MAB/NFB.

Keeping that goal in mind, I began thinking, "How best can MABS accomplish the goal of recruiting younger members into the MAB/NFB?" 

It seems to me that one of the best ways to accomplish that goal would be to open the student division up to non-students. For example, there are probably alot (I use the term losely) of blind people in Montana who are my age (27), and are not students.

Along those same lines, I went to my first chapter meeting not to long ago, and the average age ot those attending was probably 30 years older than me. Because of this demographic situation, I have no desire to attend another chapter meeting, and I assume others my age will feel the same way. (However,  because I am MABS President, I feel obligated to attemd those meetings, and will continue to do so.)

My point is that most people my age are not going to be a division president, thus are not "obligated" to attend chapter meeting, thus they probably wont. How do we reach out to this demographic? I believe we reach out to this demographic be somehow making it so that young persons (students or not), can work, and interact with blind persons their own age. Via a "young persons division?" I'm not sure;  I don't want to create any age-related conflict within the state affiliate.

It seems to me that since the student population is small, MABS could increase its membership and strive towards achiving the goal of the state affiliate President by expanding its membership to younger folks who are not students.



Homer Simpson's brain: "Use reverse psychology." 
 Homer: "Oh, that sounds too complicated." 
 Homer's brain: "Okay, don't use reverse psychology."
 Homer: "Okay, I will!"


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